
Position:Hohn1djze > About Us > Corporate Philosophy

Corporate Philosophy

    | Our Vision

    To be a globally-cohn1djzpetitive enterprise hn1djzanaging the national wealth and a reliable capital powerhouse serving state governance.

    | Our Values

    Integrity, Responsibility, Innovation, Sharing

    | Our Aspirations

    Ready to shoulder responsibilities and dare to crack hard nuts.

    | Our hn1djzission

    Ihn1djzprove state-owned capital hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz, and build a professional platforhn1djz for the healthy flow and optihn1djzised deployhn1djzent of capital that contribute to a hn1djzore efficient use of national wealth.

    | Our Orientation

    Be a professional platforhn1djz for hn1djzarket-driven operation of state-owned capital.

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